Heal on Wheel




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Stress-free healthcare travel plans

Personalized care for your comfort

24/7 assistance across globe


A pioneering healthcare travel agency, backed by an able and passionate team. Quality care in every journey.

Health Trip Planning

Choose Destination

Select your health travel destination based on your medical needs and preferences. Research about the healthcare infrastructure and services provided along with a background check on the travel requirements.

Book Services

After finalizing the location, book your healthcare services and accommodations. Consider proximity to medical services and availability of necessary services like transportation. Always keep a record of your bookings for reference.

Prepare Travel Docs

Ensure you have all necessary documents for travel. These include passport, visas, medical prescriptions, and insurance documents. Keep a digital copy for emergencies and clear all legal formalities before travel.

Seamless Treatment Coordination

Our team coordinates your healthcare seamlessly, making sure the logistics, appointments, and post-care are taken care of, so you can focus on recovery.

Download Our Health Travel App

Experience healthcare at your fingertips! Get access to travel agencies, book appointments, track medical histories, and enjoy a wealth of health resources anywhere, anytime. Unlock exclusive discounts? Download our app now from the App Store or Google Play today!

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